Axis take care to ensure that clients’ requirements, budgets, schedules and sustainability goals are met throughout the EV charge point installation process. We work closely with specialist suppliers and designers to create bespoke solutions that meet our clients’ needs. All installations start with an initial site survey, which is carried out by an Axis Surveyor. This involves checking that the existing supply, earthing equipment and infrastructure is adequate and compliant with relevant legislation.
We’ll need to know the specific type of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment type so that we can check the area against the manufacturer’s guidelines. Any plan to install EV charging infrastructure needs to consider charge point hardware installation and necessary grid network reinforcement. Any R&D surveys are undertaken by HSE licenced, UKATA accredited suppliers. A full report will be provided to confirm our findings including details of the work required including photographic evidence and copies of survey reports and our recommended solutions.
Once all the relevant information has been received and processed, clients will receive a personalised work programme that has been collaboratively produced by the management contractor, our Liason Officer and our Surveyor. It is tailored to the clients’ requirements and timescale. It will indicate a realistic timeframe for the installation/s, based on the charging system chosen, existing infrastructure and additional work required, industry averages, prior experience, manufactures’ guidelines and sub-contractors recommendations. This programme is designed to provide clients with a transparent project pathway that clearly outlines sequencing, task owners, responsibilities and accountability. It will also include information about priority charging points, previously outlined and discussed.
Once we’ve completed any electrical upgrade work, charging point units can be placed and fixed. Then, we’ll make the connection to the electrical supply before carrying out stringent testing. Each installation will receive certification and sign off. Axis will provide an explanation of usage, O&M manuals as well as details of how and where the client can find further support. At each part of the process, we work with our appointed Liaison Officer and manage all stakeholders involved including clients, manufacturers, DNO, highways, TfL, local authorities, adjacent properties and businesses.
Our bespoke Quality Management Plan will include details of the standards, tests and certification required for each installation and will be used to develop bespoke inspection sheets for each stage.