3rd January 2024

Axis Wins Places on Notting Hill Genesis’ Frameworks

Axis wins places on Notting Hill Genesis’ frameworks

Electrical Safety Framework 2024-2028 +4

Axis won a place on NHG’s new Electrical Safety Works multiple-supplier/single Lot framework. On this framework, works will be delivered across three regions (east, and south east England and London) with call-off contracts issued for each one. The services will cover EICR testing and associated remedial work (both domestic and communal), domestic and communal heat and smoke detection, emergency lighting and PAT testing. Contractors are required to provide all safety tests, inspections and certification including required remedial works to achieve compliance. Currently, it is proposed that the framework duration will be up to 8 years (with an initial 4-year term, which can be extended by a period of 4 years each). The length of the call off contracts will differ dependent on the scope of works.

Planned Investment Framework 2024-2031

Of the three Lots (Lot 1 – Building envelope works, Lot 2 – Kitchen and bathroom replacements and Lot 3 – Retrofit and decarbonisation) Axis was awarded places on Lots 1 and 3 on NHG’s Planned Investment Framework which starts in April 2024 and runs to end March 2031.

This £1.6bn framework supports NHG’s planned investment programmes over the next 15 years and is open to other housing associations and local authorities within Greater London.

Matthew Cornwall-Jones, NHG’s Group Director of Assets and Sustainability, said: “We are committed to ensuring anyone in a Notting Hill Genesis home is living in warmth, comfort and security.

“We and our residents also want homes to be fit for the future, offering energy efficiency so we are all playing our part in tackling the climate crisis.”