8th April 2024

Axis Employees Volunteer as Judges at Barking & Dagenham College Construction Competition

On 6th March 2024, four employees from Axis, all former apprentices themselves, generously volunteered as judges for the in-house construction competition at Barking & Dagenham College. The Skills Show provided learners with the chance to showcase their talents in various competitions spanning different subject areas.

The volunteers included Joel Wynter and James Hedges (Plumbing/Gas), and Tyler Sansom and Cameron Bonthron (Painting). Their expertise and experience brought invaluable insights to the competition, offering constructive feedback and guidance to the aspiring learners.

The Skills Show featured not only competitions but also masterclasses and guest lectures conducted by industry experts and employers. Moreover, students had the opportunity to explore other subjects in interactive “Have a go” sessions.

Those who were successful in some of the competitions will go on to represent Barking & Dagenham College against Waltham Forest College in the upcoming Inter College Skills Show in April.

Joel Wynter, reflecting on the event, shared, “It was such a lovely event showcasing the skills of the apprentices going through the programme and additionally rewarding as I have been in this position so was able to guide them in directions that would benefit them.”

Zoe Richardson, the Skills Events & Development Manager at Barking & Dagenham College, expressed her gratitude and said – “We have received so much fantastic feedback already from staff and students praising the support from the Axis team, it was so evident that their presence had such a positive impact on the learners. It was clear they really appreciated the opportunity to showcase their work and skills and you could see the extra competitive edge it added and feel the aspirational buzz it created around campus. The guest judges, Joel, James , Cameron and Tyler were a great support and really spent time reassuring and praising the learners and provided some really great feedback at the end of the competitions. Thanks again, this was our second Skills Show and hope this will continue to be an annual event and hope you will be able to offer your support again in the future.”

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