22nd August 2024

Axis Showcases Student Creativity at Hallfield Estate

Student Creativity and Artwork Proudly Displayed by Axis at the Hallfield Estate

On Monday 22nd July, Axis had the pleasure of inviting students from Hallfield Primary School to the Hallfield Estate site to view their artwork proudly displayed on our hoarding. This initiative, in partnership with Westminster’s Children’s University, aimed to inspire creativity among local students through an environmental art competition.

We were thrilled to receive over 100 entries for the competition, demonstrating an incredible level of enthusiasm and talent among the students. The students’ artwork has transformed the site, bringing colour and joy to the community. One resident commented while walking past, “This artwork is beautiful, it really makes my morning walking past it and seeing so much colour!” 

The event was not only an opportunity to showcase the students’ creativity but also to express our gratitude for their participation. We handed out Axis tokens and certificates of participation to the students, making sure they had a keepsake to remember this special day.

Stella Wilson, Head of Westminster Children’s University, commented, “I just wanted to say a huge thank you! Vera, I am so grateful for your organizing of such a lovely event for the students today and all you do supporting the WCU project. It really is a joy to be working together! The work looks superb, and I’m not surprised it gets such lovely feedback. Thank you again to Joe and the team for everything that you do to support WCU in enriching the students’ lives.”

Additionally, Axis have recently funded a family-run business, Taxing the Pixels, to capture all of the WCU events. 

We are proud to support the local community by brightening up the site and creating a sense of pride among the students. We look forward to what the next academic year has in store in collaboration with Westminster’s Children’s University and the local schools to further enrich the lives of the students and the community.

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