Royal Borough of Kingston
Client Name
Kingston, Surrey

Upgraded a residential property in Kingston with energy-efficient heat pumps, solar panels, and a new LTHW system.

  • Strip out

  • Solar PV panels

  • 3 41kw Bosch Air Source Heat Pumps  

  • 34 Heat Interface Units (HIUs) 

  • Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) system 

  • 2 800l buffer vessels 

  • Acoustic enclosure 

  • Cold water booster system 

  • Distribution pipework 

  • Pressure units  

  • Remote access BMS  

Upgraded a residential property in Kingston with energy-efficient heat pumps, solar panels, and a new LTHW system.

  • Strip out

  • Solar PV panels

  • 3 41kw Bosch Air Source Heat Pumps  

  • 34 Heat Interface Units (HIUs) 

  • Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) system 

  • 2 800l buffer vessels 

  • Acoustic enclosure 

  • Cold water booster system 

  • Distribution pipework 

  • Pressure units  

  • Remote access BMS  

Project Details

Axis’ M&E Division was contracted to replace the central gas boiler plant with a new air source heat pump system (ASHP) at Fountain Court, Royal Borough of Kingston’s (RBK) housing-with-care property.  

This is a fully-occupied, two-storey residential building which includes 29 flats, kitchen and bathroom/shower rooms, a communal lounge area, and two laundry rooms. 

Three new 41kw Bosch Air Source Heat Pumps were installed to supply heat through the plant room to HIUs in 29 flats and 5 HIUs in communal areas. Two are working full time, one is for back up. We installed them at the rear of the communal garden in a brick-built acoustic enclosure especially designed to reduce noise pollution for residents and neighbours, and ensure compliance. 

In addition to the new ASHPs we installed new Heat Interface Units (HIUs) within each apartment and a new Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) system throughout. 

We completely stripped the plant room of the existing boilers (which were approaching end of life) and their associated controls. We removed all the existing radiators in the flats and communal areas. New distribution pipework was installed to run from the roof space into each apartment, the communal areas and the plantroom. 

Two new 800l buffer vessels store hot water for the HIUs. And a new cold water booster system ensures good water flow for residents, while new pressure units keep the pressure system topped up at all times. 

Additional works included the installation of a new Building Management System (BMS) which we can access remotely to maintain, new emergency lighting and new fire alarm devices to the plant room. 

We also added solar panels which generate enough electricity for the communal areas, immersion heaters as well as feeding buffer vessels. 

Since installation (in November 2024) the solar PV system has generated 1.2MW of energy which is approximately 20% more than anticipated for this time of year. During daylight periods the PV is providing 76% of the required energy for the property. Where there is surplus energy the battery is being used on average 5.6%. 

PV installation report, February 2025 


  • Solar panels provide 76% of required energy  
  • Energy-efficient heating and hot water 
  • Reduced energy costs 
  • Helps client with Net Zero targets 
  • Reduced carbon emissions 
  • Fully electric property (no gas) 
  • Enhanced safety 
  • More control for residents 
  • Consistent hot water supply 
  • Improved pressure in water supply 
  • Reduced service charges 

I am very impressed by what I have seen today. This is the kind of programme we can run across the whole of Kingston. It’s very efficient. It means it’s all electrical and we don’t have to have any gas here” – Councillor Ian Manders, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action, Biodiversity and Planning Policy, RBK 

Residential Care

Throughout the works we took great care to keep our residents – some are elderly and vulnerable – well informed of our progress through frequent newsletters and via our manned on-site office. 

We installed a temporary gas boiler so residents had heating and hot water for the whole duration of the works and we also distributed temporary heaters. 

We kept our site tidy – where redundant materials could not be removed daily, we provided a lockable skip. These measures ensured we did not restrict access or free movement for residents to the various buildings, while barriers and signage kept them safe from our working areas too. 

The site also featured Heras fencing with a lockable gate to provide extra security and peace of mind for residents. 

At Christmas we invited everyone at Fountain Court to share a Fish and Chip supper with us to celebrate the festive season – and their improved heating and hot water system! 

They’ve done a lovely job, very professional. We are very happy. It’s much warmer. It’s good for the people of Kingston. It should be put out more” Resident 

Our Client

Axis has conducted planned and responsive repairs programmes for RBK since 2013. Most recent similar projects include an air source heat pump installation at Four Oaks and a communal boiler replacement at Charles Lesser House. 

“Working with Axis has been extremely beneficial to some of the residents here. Axis have been accommodating to their vulnerabilities… and we’ve had some really good comments and praise from the staff here. 

“This has been a very successful arrangement, and we are looking to build on this relationship with Axis” – Paul Dunkerton, Lead Officer, Assets and Compliance, RBK 

Project Details

Axis’ M&E Division was contracted to replace the central gas boiler plant with a new air source heat pump system (ASHP) at Fountain Court, Royal Borough of Kingston’s (RBK) housing-with-care property.  

This is a fully-occupied, two-storey residential building which includes 29 flats, kitchen and bathroom/shower rooms, a communal lounge area, and two laundry rooms. 

Three new 41kw Bosch Air Source Heat Pumps were installed to supply heat through the plant room to HIUs in 29 flats and 5 HIUs in communal areas. Two are working full time, one is for back up. We installed them at the rear of the communal garden in a brick-built acoustic enclosure especially designed to reduce noise pollution for residents and neighbours, and ensure compliance. 

In addition to the new ASHPs we installed new Heat Interface Units (HIUs) within each apartment and a new Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) system throughout. 

We completely stripped the plant room of the existing boilers (which were approaching end of life) and their associated controls. We removed all the existing radiators in the flats and communal areas. New distribution pipework was installed to run from the roof space into each apartment, the communal areas and the plantroom. 

Two new 800l buffer vessels store hot water for the HIUs. And a new cold water booster system ensures good water flow for residents, while new pressure units keep the pressure system topped up at all times. 

Additional works included the installation of a new Building Management System (BMS) which we can access remotely to maintain, new emergency lighting and new fire alarm devices to the plant room. 

We also added solar panels which generate enough electricity for the communal areas, immersion heaters as well as feeding buffer vessels. 

Since installation (in November 2024) the solar PV system has generated 1.2MW of energy which is approximately 20% more than anticipated for this time of year. During daylight periods the PV is providing 76% of the required energy for the property. Where there is surplus energy the battery is being used on average 5.6%. 

PV installation report, February 2025 


  • Solar panels provide 76% of required energy  
  • Energy-efficient heating and hot water 
  • Reduced energy costs 
  • Helps client with Net Zero targets 
  • Reduced carbon emissions 
  • Fully electric property (no gas) 
  • Enhanced safety 
  • More control for residents 
  • Consistent hot water supply 
  • Improved pressure in water supply 
  • Reduced service charges 

I am very impressed by what I have seen today. This is the kind of programme we can run across the whole of Kingston. It’s very efficient. It means it’s all electrical and we don’t have to have any gas here” – Councillor Ian Manders, Portfolio Holder for Climate Action, Biodiversity and Planning Policy, RBK 

Residential Care

Throughout the works we took great care to keep our residents – some are elderly and vulnerable – well informed of our progress through frequent newsletters and via our manned on-site office. 

We installed a temporary gas boiler so residents had heating and hot water for the whole duration of the works and we also distributed temporary heaters. 

We kept our site tidy – where redundant materials could not be removed daily, we provided a lockable skip. These measures ensured we did not restrict access or free movement for residents to the various buildings, while barriers and signage kept them safe from our working areas too. 

The site also featured Heras fencing with a lockable gate to provide extra security and peace of mind for residents. 

At Christmas we invited everyone at Fountain Court to share a Fish and Chip supper with us to celebrate the festive season – and their improved heating and hot water system! 

They’ve done a lovely job, very professional. We are very happy. It’s much warmer. It’s good for the people of Kingston. It should be put out more” Resident 

Our Client

Axis has conducted planned and responsive repairs programmes for RBK since 2013. Most recent similar projects include an air source heat pump installation at Four Oaks and a communal boiler replacement at Charles Lesser House. 

“Working with Axis has been extremely beneficial to some of the residents here. Axis have been accommodating to their vulnerabilities… and we’ve had some really good comments and praise from the staff here. 

“This has been a very successful arrangement, and we are looking to build on this relationship with Axis” – Paul Dunkerton, Lead Officer, Assets and Compliance, RBK 

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About the Author: Joe Hayes

We’ve been providing exemplary property services to the housing sector for over 30 years. With experience on local authority projects and with distinguished housing association contracts, we deliver every single time. Get in touch using our contact form above.