21st September 2023

Axis Pilots Groundbreaking New Fast Track Apprenticeships

Home>Housing News, News, Responsible Business>Axis Pilots Groundbreaking New Fast Track Apprenticeships

Benefits at a glance:

  • Gas and Plumbing Apprenticeship now just two years (cut from four years)!

  • Concentrated learning

  • Apprentices trained to Axis requirements: from Day One they have full knowledge of plumbing and gas systems

  • Greater productivity from Day One on site

  • Strong peer groups for apprentices

  • Upskilling to keep up with trends

  • Provider – Gas and Environmental Services Ltd – is well known and respected within the gas industry

  • Training by former British Gas engineers

Watch our video with Kevin Mileson (MD, GES) Alan Noble  (M&E Director, Axis), David Leonard (Apprentice Mentor, Axis) and our five lucky apprentices who are benefiting from condensed training which cuts their Gas and Plumbing apprenticeship from four to two years!

This new scheme will turn the apprenticeship system on its head by going back to the way apprenticeships were taught: block release. And it will use newer technology that did not exist 50 years ago. I think this is the way forward and, once it is proved a success, it will become the industry standard.

David Leonard, Apprentice Mentor

Instead of the traditional Gas and Plumbing apprenticeship (four years), our new apprenticeship is two years.

Under our new scheme, students are trained on block release so they can reinforce and retain their theory knowledge daily. Plus, they can put into practice the theory and practical together at college (rather than learning the theory at college and waiting two months to put it into practice on site).

The company we use for our new scheme is Gas and Environmental Services Ltd (GES) at Welwyn Garden City. GES is well known and respected within the gas industry.

Plumbing – 10 weeks block release

  • Safe working practices
  • Communication with others
  • Environmental Protection measures
  • Scientific principles within mechanical services
  • Site preparation and fabrication
  • Domestic cold water and rules and regulations regarding water
  • Domestic hot water systems
  • Domestic central heating systems
  • Above ground drainage systems.
  • Pipework and joining methods
  • Installing bathroom appliances and testing methods
Once completed, our qualified plumbers can:
  • Work safely
  • Carry out risk assessments
  • Use tools correctly and safely
  • Understand and follow water regulations with regards to installing cold and hot water systems and discharging to drain systems
  • Install heating systems and the safety controls required
  • Install bathrooms and connect to drainage
  • Install and repair other water outlets within the dwelling

Gas in domestic properties – 8 week block release

  • Rules and regulations on gas safety
  • Combustion theory
  • Gas pipework, pipe sizing, purging and testing
  • Chimney systems
  • Ventilation
  • Controls on new and old heating systems
  • Commissioning new appliances
  • Central heating and wiring
  • Cooker installing and maintenance
  • Gas fires
  • Hot water safety systems and installing unvented hot water storage systems
  • Water regulations
  • Legionella prevention and disinfecting

Once completed, our qualified gas engineers can install and maintain gas boilers and water heaters. After 12 month Gas Safe registration, they can add cookers, fires, meters, and LPG and associated appliances, and receive training on commercial heating and commercial catering.

Axis and our apprentices will further benefit from training by former British Gas engineers with access to the vast knowledge held by Centrica. The apprentices can be easily upskilled as they will have full basic knowledge.

This trailblazing initiative has launched already with our latest intake of apprentices. It is anticipated that we will roll it out across the Electric apprenticeships too.

Do you want to become an apprentice at Axis?

Earn, learn and gain relevant qualifications and a career whilst working with Axis on site. Find out more here

The industry urgently needs to recruit more apprentices – and to train them up quickly. As a former apprentice myself, I have always valued the opportunities for apprentices we offer at Axis. And within my own division (M&E) I am delighted that we are now able to make a real difference, improving and fast-tracking apprenticeships. It brings enormous clearly visible benefits for our apprentices and for our business.

Alan Noble, M&E Director
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