7th June 2023

Axis Take Part in Demelza’s Miles in May

14 people from Axis walked 10 miles from The Leadenhall Building in the City of London to Demelza’s Hospice in Eltham to raise money for our corporate charity partner Demelza.

The event, Miles in May, was a fundraiser for Demelza who provide vital care for children facing serious or life-limiting conditions and their families.

8 other companies participated: so a grand total of 80 people walked the 10 miles through the streets and parks of London.

Everyone wore Demelza’s new branding so it was a great way to raise awareness about who Demelza are and what they do.

Axis people raised an amazing £1,445 which contributed to the day’s total of £19,000: the equivalent of 372 hours of care by a Specialist Demelza Nurse.

This story from a Demelza parent demonstrates the importance of our fundraising:

”The costs of having a child like Finley are small on their own; £1 a night in electricity for his oxygen machine doesn’t seem that bad. What people don’t consider is how many of these costs are stacked on top of one another when you have a child with complex needs. Fin also needs an electric air mattress, which adjusts to support him as he sleeps; he wears nappies, so we have to give him baths constantly; and our washing machine is on daily, to keep him in clean and hygienic clothes. These costs add up, and our last round of energy bills came in at more than £500 which is double what most people are paying. Even hospital appointments, which are a necessary part of Fin’s care and wellbeing, add extra costs…These aren’t optional costs, and we’re a single-income household; this is a really tough time for us, and for families like ours.”– Lee, Dad to Finley

Laura Cox, Operations Manager commented “Walking 10 miles for Demelza was such a great experience. The weather, the scenery and the people were fab! Demelza is a charity that is obviously very close to our hearts and even having to climb that hill in Greenwich Park won’t stop me signing up again next year! (thank you to everyone who organised and supported throughout the day)”

Dave Allen, Divisional Manager added “Couldn’t have asked for a better afternoon, weather was great and what better way to clear your head and get some exercise other than doing it for charity”

Edona Drijaj, SME- Digital said “Participating in Miles in May was an enriching experience. During the tour, I witnessed the incredible dedication of the staff and volunteers who create a nurturing environment filled with love, care and support. It was heart-warming to see how they go above and beyond to make each child’s life and their families as comfortable and fulfilling as possible. It is amazing what Demelza does.”

Ben Hagerty, Commercial Manager mentioned “It was a great test of determination for the team, some of whom have Never done anything like it – it was a good time to reflect on the challenged faced by those in Demelza’s care and their families.”