22nd May 2024

Axis wins major new contract with Clarion

Clarion Housing Group awarded Axis a contract for Planned Investment and Reactive Major Works for the North and Midlands Region.

Announced in February, this is a 15-year contract with a value of £15m pa.


Areas such as West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, West Midlands, Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Lincolnshire.

Properties and Tenures

Approximately 24,379 properties comprise a mix of houses, flats and bungalows. 76% of properties are general needs, 12% are Leasehold/Shared Ownership and 12% are made up of other tenures.

Scope of Works

The works include the following work streams:

  • Kitchen and bathroom replacements
  • M&E/gas including heating/lighting and gas and water mains services and electrical testing, upgrades and rewires/ gas mains services – repair, replacement and installation
  • Window replacement
  • Roof repairs and renewals including FSG
  • Concrete and render repairs
  • Cladding repair, replacement and installation
  • Internal and external repairs and redecorations
  • Communal areas and doors/entry systems
  • Insulation and retrofit
  • Drainage and landscaping
  • Lifts
  • Asbestos removal

Plus associated works to achieve decent homes and secure by design standards

The contract will be managed at Axis by Leanne Ball (Axis Midlands Director) Marc Jeffrey (Projects Director).

Leanne said: “Our Midlands team looks forward to working with Clarion and their residents.”

Marc said: “We are delighted to be appointed by Clarion to conduct Planned Investment and Reactive Major Works.”