28th April 2017

Contracts with Brent Council

We were awarded a three-year voids and repairs contract with Brent Council  on their stock of council properties with the option to extend for a further two years. The £4.1million per annum contract covered day-to-day responsive repairs, planned maintenance and void properties in 6,000 of their stock.

Framework win

Via Fusion 21 Reactive Repairs and Empty Properties Framework, Brent Council  awarded Axis a Reactive Repairs & Maintenance contract. Announced on 27 June 2023, the contract has a value of £300,000 per annum.

Working together with Brent Council we will be concentrating our employment within the area for the community, offering apprenticeships and employing local contractors. The works will focus on the ethical sourcing of materials and reduction of pollution. There is an overarching focus on social value within the contract which coupled with our key values allows us to develop our services and organisation in the communities that we work.

Find out more about our housing sector projects, here.