9th October 2023

Essex Green Skills Pledge

Axis Europe has recently signed the Essex Green Skills Pledge. The Pledge invites all organisations, businesses, and charities to commit to delivering green skills for a net-zero Essex. The pledge aims to create a joined-up skills system, which meets the needs of businesses while protecting the local environment.

We are excited to announce Axis Europe has committed to seven out of the eight actions:

  • Work collaboratively to increase investment in upskilling and the transition to net zero.
  • Join up resources and collaborate on green skills initiatives to align the skills system with business needs.
  • Support and incentivise employees to invest in green skills and training throughout their working lives.
  • Use expertise, skills and experience to combat climate change and share best practices in green skills development.
  • Contribute to the public debate on climate change and use the power of our example to encourage others.
  • Work across industries and sectors to improve working practices and find practical solutions to green skills challenges.
  • Educate employees, managers, learners and residents about the impact of their daily lives on the environment.

With the race to decarbonisation continuing there are still some hurdles that need to be tackled, such as a shortage of skilled workers. There are currently 247,400 full-time green skilled jobs in the low-carbon or renewable energy sector in the UK. However, the UK Government remains off-track to deliver its goal of two million green jobs by 2030.

We are looking forward to seeing what skills we can develop and the opportunities a green workforce can provide.

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