Brentwood Borough Council
Client Name
Full Asset Management

Brentwood Borough Council awarded Axis a 10-year full asset management contract covering 2,400 properties across Essex.

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  • Gas/heating systems

  • Compliance

  • Specialist works including asbestos removal, roofing and damp works

Brentwood Borough Council awarded Axis a 10-year full asset management contract covering 2,400 properties across Essex.

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Please see our Client Update video with  Tracey Lilley, Corporate Director for Housing and Community Safety at Brentwood Borough Council

Excellent Customer Service

When Axis was awarded the contract, which started in March 2019, Brentwood BC planned to invest significantly to improve their existing housing stock. Then, Brentwood’s Chair of Environment, Enforcement & Housing Committee, Cllr Maria Pearson said: “It was important that we were able to find a partner who offered value for money with excellent customer service, to ensure that Brentwood’s housing is maintained to the highest possible standard and provides the best service for our tenants.”

During the first  year of our contract and the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, Cllr Maria Pearson said:

“Axis has provided this consistently and deserves recognition for continuing to operate during the Lockdown and in adapting to the new regulations brought about through Covid-19. This high level of consistency and customer service has given great assurance to our tenants during what can only be described as unprecedented times.”

Perfect partnership

The first step of working together saw Axis co-locating in Brentwood Borough Council’s HQ on Ingrave Road. A visible presence, shared values and a drive for excellent service for residents proved to be the foundation of this successful partnership to the greater benefit of Brentwood’s tenants. The partnership’s dual-branded vans have become a popular local sight with residents and locals. Our Resident Repairs Call Centre is based in our shared offices and in March 2021 alone answered 1,267 calls from residents, and 113 OOH calls about Repairs.

Our client benefits from having our team ‘on the patch’. We have developed a very close relationship with our client through co-locating with them, with excellent communication and regular training too-  Axis Divisional Manager Eamon O’Donnell

Both parties are fundamentally committed to providing an excellent, on-hand service to Brentwood’s residents. Because of the strength of our partnership, even during the pandemic we are able to adapt together and continue to deliver a quality service” – Axis’ Resident Liaison Officer and Call Centre Manager Clare Payne

Axis’ achievements

In our first year, 2019/2020, Axis

  • completed 8,500 repairs (including electrical, carpentry, plumbing, aids and adaptations, painting and decorating);
  • replaced 160 boilers
  • achieved 94% customer satisfaction
  • kept 99% of appointments made by Brentwood’s residents

In 2020/21, our Reactive Repairs And Maintenance team

  • achieved 95.8% resident satisfaction
  • completed 7164 Repairs including Emergency Repairs
  • completed 97.91% of repairs on time including emergency repairs, in an average time of 14.25 minutes
  • completed 86% of repairs as First Time Fixes

Repairs Works included

  • carpentry
  • electrical
  • brickwork and groundwork
  • plumbing
  • multitrader
  • glazing
  • roofing
  • flooring
  • fencing
  • aids and adaptations
  • tiling
  • plastering
  • locksmith
  • metal works
  • UPVC Windows and Doors
  • Voids

And our Emergency team covered

  • total loss of electricity
  • burst water pipes
  • loss of water supply/hot water
  • total failure of central heating
  • toilet flushes
  • roof leaks
  • making safe roof slates/chimneys
  • boarding up or re-glazing windows for safety or security
  • blocked sewers

While our Gas team

  • took 597 + 88 calls including OOH in March 2021 = 685
  • achieved 93.8% satisfaction from Brentwood’s residents
  • completed 3038 repairs including routine and emergency repairs
  • completed 97.7% of repairs on time in an average time of  2.87 days ( esponsive repairs)
  • completed  94.08% of repairs as First Time Fixes

Gas Works included

  • new boiler installations including in Void properties
  • older boiler replacements
  • boiler repairs
  • central heating and radiator repairs
  • domestic gas checks
  • 6-monthly checks for boiler/pump set/heating and air conditioning units services for heating in 8 blocks of flats and sheltered accommodation

Our work with Brentwood is strategic, over the long term. We will get Brentwood’s portfolio of properties where they need to be in terms of repairs and compliance by agreeing long term goals at service delivery level, with regular meetings and transparent reporting and accountability. It is better for our client as one person is the main contact for the whole contract and the integrated approach brings many additional benefits in terms of cost and resources – Axis’ Divisional Manager Eamon O’Donnell

Complete Property Surveys

During the first two years (2019-2021) of our Full Asset Management Contract, Axis conducted a Complete Property Survey to all our client’s housing stock (dwellings, garages and communal parts and areas). These covered:

  • remaining life cycle of key components
  • makes and models of key components
  • outstanding repairs
  • accessibility
  • aids & adaptations advice
  • safety measures
  • energy efficiency

The results of these surveys conducted by Axis are uploaded to the client’s Planned Works Asset Management System, Keystone.

Planned Works Schedules

From the results of our initial surveys and photographs (external surveys and windows and doors were completed first by our team as internal access was impeded due to Covid-19 restrictions), and following assessment meetings with our client, our Planned Works are scheduled to start from April 2022. These will include:

  • kitchen and bathroom replacements
  • window and door replacement and redecoration
  • roof works
  • cyclical decorations eg painting and decorating

Compliance Schedules

Our ongoing 5-year cyclical Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) examines the state of the electrical wiring in Brentwood’s stock and checks the safety of installations. All certification is uploaded into Keystone and will help establish remedial works to be done to bring electrics into compliance. Work includes:

  • flash and drain tests
  • battery replacement
  • lighting replacements
  • communal lighting
  • emergency lighting


During the first 8 months of our contract we undertook all the surveys for all Brentwood’s commercial M &E components, estimating life length and replacement. Forthcoming works will include:

  • replacement of 164 boilers

Additional compliance works

We are additionally responsible for:

  • 12 lifts
  • 36 stair lifts or hoists – annual maintenance schedules plus the installation of three stair lifts as part of Brentwood’s Occupational Therapy programme
  • 2 external extraction systems – ventilation systems
  • fire systems
  • water treatment – includes testing all the tanks for Legionnaires Disease and conducting risk assessments on the back of the testing

Additional Benefits – Community Investment

Eight core values underpin the daily business at Axis including Our Value 6: “A community we contribute to will welcome and value us.” We share this value with our client and joint projects which have benefited the Brentwood community include:

  • Brentwood Community Fund: Axis has committed to donating £20,000pa towards the Brentwood Community Fund. In 2020, the Fund awarded 14 groups a total of £36,300 to undertake projects that benefit the local community including Doddinghurst Stonley Festival; Hearing Help Essex and Holly Trees Primary School
  • 2 work placements for local people
  • 2 x sustainability workshops in local schools
  • 3 x life soft skills and career readiness workshops to year 7 students at Shenfield High School
  • Work Inspiration Presentation at BAP Meeting
  • Brentwood Business Briefing & Networking Event
  • Brentwood Business Showcase
  • Delivery 10 winter warmth packs to vulnerable residents
  • Purchase and installation of a washing machine as a goodwill gesture for vulnerable resident
  • Wet room flooring upgrade for vulnerable resident
  • Community Connect trailer – June 2021

Please see our Client Update video with Tracey Lilley, Corporate Director for Housing and Community Safety at Brentwood Borough Council

Excellent Customer Service

When Axis was awarded the contract, which started in March 2019, Brentwood BC planned to invest significantly to improve their existing housing stock. Then, Brentwood’s Chair of Environment, Enforcement & Housing Committee, Cllr Maria Pearson said: “It was important that we were able to find a partner who offered value for money with excellent customer service, to ensure that Brentwood’s housing is maintained to the highest possible standard and provides the best service for our tenants.”

During the first  year of our contract and the restrictions imposed by COVID-19, Cllr Maria Pearson said:

“Axis has provided this consistently and deserves recognition for continuing to operate during the Lockdown and in adapting to the new regulations brought about through Covid-19. This high level of consistency and customer service has given great assurance to our tenants during what can only be described as unprecedented times.”

Perfect partnership

The first step of working together saw Axis co-locating in Brentwood Borough Council’s HQ on Ingrave Road. A visible presence, shared values and a drive for excellent service for residents proved to be the foundation of this successful partnership to the greater benefit of Brentwood’s tenants. The partnership’s dual-branded vans have become a popular local sight with residents and locals. Our Resident Repairs Call Centre is based in our shared offices and in March 2021 alone answered 1,267 calls from residents, and 113 OOH calls about Repairs.

Our client benefits from having our team ‘on the patch’. We have developed a very close relationship with our client through co-locating with them, with excellent communication and regular training too-  Axis Divisional Manager Eamon O’Donnell

Both parties are fundamentally committed to providing an excellent, on-hand service to Brentwood’s residents. Because of the strength of our partnership, even during the pandemic we are able to adapt together and continue to deliver a quality service” – Axis’ Resident Liaison Officer and Call Centre Manager Clare Payne

Axis’ achievements

In our first year, 2019/2020, Axis

  • completed 8,500 repairs (including electrical, carpentry, plumbing, aids and adaptations, painting and decorating);
  • replaced 160 boilers
  • achieved 94% customer satisfaction
  • kept 99% of appointments made by Brentwood’s residents

In 2020/21, our Reactive Repairs And Maintenance team

  • achieved 95.8% resident satisfaction
  • completed 7164 Repairs including Emergency Repairs
  • completed 97.91% of repairs on time including emergency repairs, in an average time of 14.25 minutes
  • completed 86% of repairs as First Time Fixes

Repairs Works included

  • carpentry
  • electrical
  • brickwork and groundwork
  • plumbing
  • multitrader
  • glazing
  • roofing
  • flooring
  • fencing
  • aids and adaptations
  • tiling
  • plastering
  • locksmith
  • metal works
  • UPVC Windows and Doors
  • Voids

And our Emergency team covered

  • total loss of electricity
  • burst water pipes
  • loss of water supply/hot water
  • total failure of central heating
  • toilet flushes
  • roof leaks
  • making safe roof slates/chimneys
  • boarding up or re-glazing windows for safety or security
  • blocked sewers

While our Gas team

  • took 597 + 88 calls including OOH in March 2021 = 685
  • achieved 93.8% satisfaction from Brentwood’s residents
  • completed 3038 repairs including routine and emergency repairs
  • completed 97.7% of repairs on time in an average time of  2.87 days ( esponsive repairs)
  • completed  94.08% of repairs as First Time Fixes

Gas Works included

  • new boiler installations including in Void properties
  • older boiler replacements
  • boiler repairs
  • central heating and radiator repairs
  • domestic gas checks
  • 6-monthly checks for boiler/pump set/heating and air conditioning units services for heating in 8 blocks of flats and sheltered accommodation

Our work with Brentwood is strategic, over the long term. We will get Brentwood’s portfolio of properties where they need to be in terms of repairs and compliance by agreeing long term goals at service delivery level, with regular meetings and transparent reporting and accountability. It is better for our client as one person is the main contact for the whole contract and the integrated approach brings many additional benefits in terms of cost and resources – Axis’ Divisional Manager Eamon O’Donnell

Complete Property Surveys

During the first two years (2019-2021) of our Full Asset Management Contract, Axis conducted a Complete Property Survey to all our client’s housing stock (dwellings, garages and communal parts and areas). These covered:

  • remaining life cycle of key components
  • makes and models of key components
  • outstanding repairs
  • accessibility
  • aids & adaptations advice
  • safety measures
  • energy efficiency

The results of these surveys conducted by Axis are uploaded to the client’s Planned Works Asset Management System, Keystone.

Planned Works Schedules

From the results of our initial surveys and photographs (external surveys and windows and doors were completed first by our team as internal access was impeded due to Covid-19 restrictions), and following assessment meetings with our client, our Planned Works are scheduled to start from April 2022. These will include:

  • kitchen and bathroom replacements
  • window and door replacement and redecoration
  • roof works
  • cyclical decorations eg painting and decorating

Compliance Schedules

Our ongoing 5-year cyclical Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) examines the state of the electrical wiring in Brentwood’s stock and checks the safety of installations. All certification is uploaded into Keystone and will help establish remedial works to be done to bring electrics into compliance. Work includes:

  • flash and drain tests
  • battery replacement
  • lighting replacements
  • communal lighting
  • emergency lighting


During the first 8 months of our contract we undertook all the surveys for all Brentwood’s commercial M &E components, estimating life length and replacement. Forthcoming works will include:

  • replacement of 164 boilers

Additional compliance works

We are additionally responsible for:

  • 12 lifts
  • 36 stair lifts or hoists – annual maintenance schedules plus the installation of three stair lifts as part of Brentwood’s Occupational Therapy programme
  • 2 external extraction systems – ventilation systems
  • fire systems
  • water treatment – includes testing all the tanks for Legionnaires Disease and conducting risk assessments on the back of the testing

Additional Benefits – Community Investment

Eight core values underpin the daily business at Axis including Our Value 6: “A community we contribute to will welcome and value us.” We share this value with our client and joint projects which have benefited the Brentwood community include:

  • Brentwood Community Fund: Axis has committed to donating £20,000pa towards the Brentwood Community Fund. In 2020, the Fund awarded 14 groups a total of £36,300 to undertake projects that benefit the local community including Doddinghurst Stonley Festival; Hearing Help Essex and Holly Trees Primary School
  • 2 work placements for local people
  • 2 x sustainability workshops in local schools
  • 3 x life soft skills and career readiness workshops to year 7 students at Shenfield High School
  • Work Inspiration Presentation at BAP Meeting
  • Brentwood Business Briefing & Networking Event
  • Brentwood Business Showcase
  • Delivery 10 winter warmth packs to vulnerable residents
  • Purchase and installation of a washing machine as a goodwill gesture for vulnerable resident
  • Wet room flooring upgrade for vulnerable resident
  • Community Connect trailer – June 2021
Click to view our Charity ball program 2021

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About the Author: Sarah Hodgson