17th October 2023

Kingston Repairs Day

On Tuesday, September 26th, and Thursday, September 28th, we carried out two days of repairs in partnership with our client, Kingston Council. Led by Stewart Street, our Contract Manager, the initiative garnered significant involvement, with 13 volunteers from Axis joining forces to address local repair needs.

The repairs team set up their base near the steps leading to the Madingley play area, making it convenient for residents to access assistance. Additionally, operatives were on hand to offer free 30-minute handyman appointments, catering to various needs such as hanging shelves, assembling flat-pack furniture, or tackling minor repairs.

The primary objective was to direct our attention towards critical repairs needed within the community on both days. We sought to address immediate repair needs while also scheduling more extensive repairs for the coming weeks. Residents were encouraged to report and share any local repair issues, whether inside their homes or within communal areas.

Additionally, we joined forces with our waste management provider Enva to support Kingston council to encourage residents to clear out any unwanted items and to deter fly tipping.

Stewart Street shared his thoughts and said, “The team and I relished in the opportunity to engage with the residents and hear firsthand of their requirements. In most cases we were able to assist and complete the works whilst we were on the estates and offer advice regarding other matters. We all thoroughly enjoyed the days and look forward to the next Kingston estate day.”

Bandele Oredein, Kingston’s Housing Officer, expressed his gratitude, saying, “This is to say a Big Thank you to you and your team for being at CRE yesterday. It was a great success. About 30 residents had their repairs seen by your team on the day !! Thank you for supporting and assisting myself and the local Police SNT as we were conducting raids in the empty/void properties on CRE. In addition, thank you for assisting in trying to locate the leak at Gravely which has been a major issue. It is very much appreciated.”

View captivating snapshots of the day here: https://www.flickr.com/gp/150894466@N06/3a9rqLq0VX

Social Housing
Public Sector