19th June 2023

London Fire Brigade awards Axis new contract

We add Lambeth Fire Station to our portfolio of works for the London Fire Brigade.

Axis won a new contract with the London Fire Brigade to conduct Remedial Works at Lambeth Fire Station. This contract is valued at £400,000.

Works here will include roof works (including the application of waterproofing membrane); brick and concrete repairs including to parapets, coping, balconies and staircases; and cleaning and repairs to steel before application of protective coating.

Because of its listed status, we will take moulded casts to ensure that all replicas are like-for-like replacement and obtain as close a match as possible to the original colours.

Lambeth Fire Station was the former headquarters of the London Fire Brigade. It is an 8-storey, Grade II listed building and is located on the Albert Embankment of the Thames, London SE1.

We have conducted refurbishment programmes at three fire stations for the London Fire Brigade: to the windows and doors at Chelsea Fire Station; to the kitchen at Sidcup Fire Station and also to the watch room at East Ham Fire Station.

LFB is one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world. During our contract, the sites are fully working and their use remains unchanged.

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