26th April 2017

Mural Restoration with The Hyde Group

We were recently involved with the mural restoration project of the famous Nativity mural by renowned artist Hans Feibusch.

The Hyde Group rediscovered the mural in 2015 and embarked on a renovation project to preserve the mural which had suffered significant damage over the years. Axis helped to fund, provide access and manage the project and put forward Hirst Conservation to carry out the works to return the mural to its former glory.

The wall paintings to the former lady chapel of St Wilfrid’s Church were painted by Feibusch in 1940. He moved to England in 1933 and worked on paintings until his death in 1998 shortly before his hundredth birthday. On his arrival to Britain, Feibusch designed posters and book jackets for Shell and the London Underground; after seeing his work Kenneth Clark and Bishop George Bell of Chichester wrote to Feibusch in 1939 and requested that he undertake another mural at St Wilfrid’s, Brighton.

It is important that these significant paintings are conserved for current and future generations to enjoy. The paintings have suffered devastating damage and the paint layer exhibited lost adhesion in many areas. In order to preserve the mural the paint flakes needed to be consolidated to the substrate. The first phase of the restoration has now been completed and we are proud that we were able to be a part of this fantastic moment in art history.

Jacky Prime, Contract Manager, said of the mural restoration project:

For Axis to be involved in this project was something that was out of our normal remit but we rose to the challenge and showed the client we are able to excel in all areas.

Find out more about our heritage projects, here.

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