11th October 2023

Peabody Repairs Day

On Wednesday, September 27th, we carried out a repair day in partnership with our client, Peabody. Led by Nicola Barcoe, our Partnering Manager, the initiative garnered significant involvement, with 6 volunteers from Axis joining forces to address local repair needs.

The repairs team set up their base at Southmere Square from 9 am to 4pm, making it convenient for residents to access assistance. Additionally, operatives were on hand to offer free 30-minute handyman appointments, catering to various needs such as hanging shelves, assembling flat-pack furniture, or tackling minor repairs.

The primary objective was to direct our attention towards critical repairs needed within the community on both days. We sought to address immediate repair needs while also scheduling more extensive repairs for the coming weeks. Residents were encouraged to report and share any local repair issues, whether inside their homes or within communal areas.

Nicola shared her thoughts and said, “The estate day was a success, Axis and Peabody staff worked collaboratively and engaged effectively with residents. This was a very rewarding day and the feedback from resident and staff was very positive. We completed 25 jobs on the day, carried out 4 inspections, had 1 no access and raised and scheduled in a further 7 appointments for larger works from site which will be monitored through to completion.’

View captivating snapshots of the day here: https://www.flickr.com/gp/150894466@N06/04sX65oP23

Social Housing
Public Sector