Our planned and preventive maintenance services ensure the quality and longevity of your properties, providing sustainable and future-proof maintenance solutions for landlords.
Case studies
Our teams provide a broad range of planned maintenance services for our clients. Check out our case studies to find out more about the types of maintenance services we offer.
Case studies
Our teams are provide a broad range of planned maintenance services. Check out our case studies to find out more about the types of maintenance services we offer.
Planned maintenance clients
Axis provides ongoing property maintenance services, including fabric repairs and cyclical maintenance for a broad range of clients operating within the commercial, public, residential and heritage sectors.
Planned maintenance clients
Axis provides ongoing property maintenance services, including fabric repairs and cyclical maintenance for a broad range of clients operating within the commercial, public, residential and heritage sectors.
Property maintenance news
Sharing the latest news about new frameworks, contract wins, new clients, industry innovation and Axis updates.
NHS Repairs and Refurbishment
Axis won an NHS contract to refurbish Fern Ward, a high dependency psychiatric facility at St Martin's Hospital in Canterbury, Kent.
Axis wins major new contract with Clarion
Clarion Housing Group awarded Axis a contract for Planned Investment and Reactive Major Works for the North and Midlands Region. Announced in February, this is a 15-year contract with a value of £15m pa.
Axis wins contract with Wandle Housing Association
Axis wins contract with Wandle Housing Association.
Property maintenance news
Sharing the latest news about new frameworks, contract wins, new clients, industry innovation and Axis updates.
NHS Repairs and Refurbishment
Axis won an NHS contract to refurbish Fern Ward, a high dependency psychiatric facility at St Martin's Hospital in Canterbury, Kent.
Axis wins major new contract with Clarion
Clarion Housing Group awarded Axis a contract for Planned Investment and Reactive Major Works for the North and Midlands Region. Announced in February, this is a 15-year contract with a value of £15m pa.