The journey to becoming an Axis Apprentice begins in Spring with the start of our recruitment campaigns. We consider the occupations and vacancies where we are looking to recruit and we consult our clients too.

Our vacancies are then advertised on our website and with our clients. Any applicants are invited to send in their CVs.

Our basic requirements are GCSE Maths and English, 4 and above at A to C grade. The cut-off date for our applications is May. We consider CVs for eligibility to match our criteria and then conduct initial telephone interviews. If successful, the next step is the completion of a work experience placement.

Those applicants who make it through this process will be invited for the Axis Apprentice Recruitment Day. These are face-to-face interviews. There is also a written test based around Maths, English and spatial awareness.

Placements for successful applicants usually begin around September when you will start your work at Axis, and also at the college and/or university we have chosen for you to attend.

All new recruits attend an induction day, where they can be introduced to the business as a whole and to our Health and Safety Team.
At our Apprentices Welcome Event, you will get to meet our Executive Team and Divisional Managers as well as your fellow Apprentices.

Regular Apprentice breakfast meetings ensure you are part of the family, keep you in touch with your colleagues and Managers and ensure you are at the top of your game receiving the best support and help.

Still unsure about ‘How do I become an Axis Apprentice?’ Contact us, here.