29th March 2021

Axis invest in the environment by distributing reusable face masks.

Facemasks are becoming the social norm. With this in mind Axis decided to invest in producing re-usable face masks for all operatives to use while attending jobs.

We have had to get used to a lot of new things this year, one of them being face masks! Since the start of the pandemic, many of us have bought reusable face masks. For the first time, we have had to get used to wearing them in public. No doubt we will continue to wear them in the coming year and perhaps it will become the social norm.

The World Health Organisation, along with scientists agree that wearing a face mask is an effective method of minimising the spread of the virus. Providing that they are worn correctly and changed frequently. It has now also been made obligatory by the government to wear one in indoor spaces and whilst on public transport and the numbers show this; an estimated 194 billion disposable masks and gloves are being used globally every month as a result of the pandemic. The effect it is having to our environment is catastrophic, in particular to our oceans.

The Sustainability Team produced a survey to give out to employees. It tested people’s knowledge of how many masks are being thrown away in the UK each month. After finding out that it’s 1.6 billion disposable masks, it really got the team thinking. Face masks are classed as biohazardous waste and cannot be recycled. As a result, they are often found littering the streets, public areas, and natural ecosystems. It is estimated that these masks take around 450 years to breakdown hence why there will soon be more masks in the ocean than jellyfish.

Axis operative, Thomas Smith, suggested that we should supply all operatives reusable face masks. Doing so will prevent us from exacerbating this problem that will impact our planet for long after we’re gone. This is exactly what we have done, teaming up with Your Image to create our very own Axis reusable face masks. Supplying all our operatives with 5 masks. Not only will this save marine life, who are already under huge pressures from pollution. It will also contribute as a smart financial investment as it cuts our spending on disposable PPE.

We spoke to Thomas smith about the new masks and he commented saying.

Using the new branded reusable face masks will allow us to keep safe when visiting tenants. In addition to reducing the environmental impact of single-use masks. This small change will help Axis to continue improving its sustainability targets.

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