15th September 2021

Welcome to Our New Apprentices!

This month we welcomed 23 new apprentices to the Axis team!

All of our new recruits successfully passed our annual recruitment process. Which included telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, and a construction skills assessment. We have a full range of apprenticeship occupations covered this year of which includes painting, plastering, carpentry, multi-trade, plumbing, electrical, quantity surveying, and administration.

For many, their first day as an Axis Apprentice started on Wednesday 1st September. Prior to this, the apprentices all attended a company induction at our Head Office in Stratford. The induction covered a range of topics including HR, Community Investment, Sustainability, IT and Health & Safety.

Michelle Workman, Apprentice Coordinator who helped organise the day commented:

What became apparent straight away, is that the apprentices seemed to instantly have this bond. It was as if they had known each other for a long time. Above all they were all so eager to start their careers – it seemed the common goal.

We have such an amazing group of apprentices this year, who are so grateful for the opportunity that Axis has given to them. I am so looking forward to working with them all and see them develop in their apprenticeship careers with us.

What the Apprentices Have to Say

We spoke to some of the apprentices on the day and asked what they are most looking forward to. Mason Aliperti-Jones, Apprentice Painter said, “I was at university last year, but it didn’t go too well. This is another opportunity I’ve been given to do something that I feel is right for me. I’m really looking forward to getting started and learning all there is to learn about the trade”.

Jake Newton, Apprentice Electrician added, “Before this, I was doing small jobs here and there with a family friend. I am looking forward to doing something more permanent. It will really help me progress in my career”.

A big welcome to all new members of the Axis team! If you’re interested in taking an apprenticeship with Axis, read our Work Inspiration brochure here. Or find more stories from trainee to apprentice, here.