25th March 2021

Axis host virtual work experience

Home>News>Responsible Business>Axis host virtual work experience

Over the course of one week, employees from the Responsible Business team volunteered their time to deliver an interactive Microsoft Teams session to 5 Year 10 students from St Mary’s Catholic School. The sessions were held as part of their work experience week.

This year many business’s including Axis have had to adapt the way in which we work. Axis’s Work inspiration program is one of the areas of the business that has been largely affected.

Every year Axis facilitate several work experiences, providing students with an insight into the construction industry, and the relevant skills and information needed to apply for jobs in the future. The work experience is often delivered face-to-face in office or trade-based roles, however this month we facilitated our first ever virtual work experience in partnership with the Education Development Trust.

Over the course of one week the sessions provided the students of St Mary’s school with an insight into our different career paths, and what skills they can develop  to transfer into the workplace. The students were also given time for independent study, where we set them the task of creating a campaign to encourage young people to join the construction industry. On the final day, the students had to present their ideas to us which helped to increase their confidence and develop their presentation skills.

Axis received really positive feedback from the students who participated, with one of the students commenting, “The work experience changed the perception I had of the construction industry. I have never really considered it as a career path in the past. It was good to see the journeys of the Axis team as it showed me how I can get to where I want to be in the future”.

Kellie Durey, Community Investment Manager said,

We were really pleased with how it went. As it was our first one, we didn’t really know what to expect, but we couldn’t have asked for a better group of students. They were really engaged throughout the week and had some well thought out questions for us. I would definitely recommend it to other employees – it was a great learning experience for both the students and us!

A big thank you to all the Axis volunteers who took part in the work experience week. Click here to view the latest news from Axis Europe.

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