4th October 2023

Axis appointed to Procure Partnership National Framework

Axis appointed to Procure Partnership National Framework for Retrofit, Decarbonisation and Construction

The Procure Partnerships Framework supports the public sector (including local authorities, blue light, health care and education) to procure contractor partners.

PPF has just appointed Axis to its second-generation National Framework structured across 9 sub-regional lots covering 5 value bands starting at £50,000 and going up to £50m+ across four disciplines: Construction, Decarbonisation and Retrofit, Demolition and Site Preparation, and Infrastructure. The planned Framework start date is 1 November 2023 and it will run for four years.

Within the Decarbonisation/Retrofit and Construction categories, we are on the following Lots/areas:

Decarbonisation and retrofit

  • Lot 56 Decorbanisation and Retrofit West Midlands 15m+
  • Lot 59 Decarbanisation and Retrofit East Midlands £5-£15m+
  • Lot 60 Decarbonisation and Retrofit East Midlands £15m+
  • Lot 63 Decarbonisation and Retrofit East of England £5-£15m+
  • Lot 64 Decarbonisation and Retrofit East of England 15m+
  • Lot 67 Decarbonisation and Retrofit South East £5-£15m+
  • Lot 68 Decarbonisation and Retrofit South East 15m+
  • Lot 71 Decarbonisation and Retrofit London £5-£15m
  • Lot 72 Decarbonisation and Retrofit London 15m+


  • Construction South East £50k – £1m+

There’s more about our capabilities, accreditations and qualifications in Decarbonisation and Retrofit works here