29th August 2022

Axis Wins Places on Fusion21 Frameworks

With offices in London, Essex, the Midlands and the North West, Axis is in prime positions to conduct works in the following Lot Regions – East Midlands, East of England, London, North West, South East, West Midlands – on the following Fusion21 Frameworks

Heating, Renewables and Electrical Framework 2024-2028 

Lot 1 Domestic Heating (Combustibles) – design, installation, servicing, maintenance and testing of domestic heating systems including LPG, oil, solid fuel, electric and renewable technologies.

Lot 2 Domestic Heating (Electric) – design, installation, servicing, maintenance and testing of domestic electrical heating systems and/or hot water systems, including electric storage heaters, electric boilers, systems, panel heaters, infra-red radiant heaters, wall-mounted electric radiators and underfloor electric heating.

Lot 6 Commercial Heating – design, installation, servicing, maintenance and testing of commercial heating systems and other mechanical/electrical installations including gas, LPG, oil, solid fuel, electric, district heating, HVAC, hot water generation plant, heat interface units or renewable technologies.

Lot 8 Electrical Works – design, installation, servicing, maintenance and testing of electrical fixed wire systems and connected equipment including partial and full rewires, LED lighting, ventilation and Electric Vehicle Charge Points (EVCP).

Fusion21’s £820 million 4-year framework launched in January 2024. Alongside traditional heating installations and electrical testing/works, it also covers innovative technologies dedicated to sustainable heating solutions (including ground source and air source heating) and quality assurance audits. The framework is specifically designed to support public sector organisations including housing, education, and healthcare providers.

Building Improvements (2024-2028)

  • Lot 1 Kitchen & Bathrooms
  • Lot 2 Windows & Doors
  • Lot 3 Pitch Roofing
  • Lot 4  Flat Roofing
  • Lot 5 Insulation
  • Lot 7  Aids & Adaptations
  • Lot 8 Damp & Mould
  • Lot 9 Internal & External General Repair & Improvement Works including: Plumbing and sanitary works; Refurbishment; Kitchens and bathrooms; Doors and Windows; Roof /balcony works and Cladding

Painting Decorating and Associated Repairs (2023-2027)

  • Lot 1  Housing
  • Lot 2  Education
  • Lot 3 Health/Blue Light
  • Lot 4  Wider Public Sector

Reactive Repairs and Empty Buildings (2022-2026)

  • Lot 1a & 1b  Reactive Repairs & Empty Properties
  • Lot 2a & 2b Empty Property and Improvements
  • Lot 4 Housing Disrepairs

This framework provides a wide range of reactive works and services covering responsive and out-of-hours reactive emergency repairs, void property repairs,  empty property refurbishment.

Announcing the Framework, Peter Francis, Executive Director of Operations at Fusion21, said: “Current figures have highlighted housing associations are spending around £5.4bn a year on repairs and maintenance services and we expect demand in this area to continue to grow.

Our national Reactive Repairs and Empty Buildings Framework comes at a time when tackling back-log repairs and disrepair works remains a high priority for registered providers, alongside targets to increase customer satisfaction within communities and deliver best practice.”

Contracts won via this framework

Via Fusion 21’s Lot 1C Reactive Repairs & Empty Building Framework, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham awarded Axis a JCT Minor Works 2016 contract  to conduct the repair and maintenance of their estate of over 10,000 units over a three-year period. The contract commenced on 1 June 2023 and is valued at approximately £4.5million.

Via Fusion 21 Reactive Repairs and Empty Buildings Framework, The London Borough of Brent awarded us a Reactive Repairs & Maintenance contract. Announced on 27 June 2023, the contract has a value of £300,00 per annum. Brent (in north west London) Brent is one of the most diverse boroughs in the UK – and is home to the famous Wembley Stadium. We were previously awarded a three-year £4.1m pa voids and repairs contract with LBB covering day-to-day responsive repairs, planned maintenance and void properties.

In 2024, via Fusion21’s Reactive Repairs and Empty Buildings Framework (Lots 1, 2 and 4), we won a contract to undertake Reactive Repairs and Maintenance Works, Reactive Empty Buildings Improvement Works and Disrepair Works to residential properties owned and managed by the London Borough of Ealing.

The value of this 2-year contract (with the option to extend for a maximum of a further two years) is c £3.5m per annum. Scope of works includes:

  • Ad-hoc reactive repairs and maintenance (£0.5m)
  • Void properties (£1.5m)
  • 500-600 outstanding disrepair or potential disrepair cases (£1.5m)
  • Complex repairs
  • EICR testing and remedial works
  • Void refurbishment
  • Water treatment
  • Communal lighting

Repairs & Maintenance (2018-2022)

  • Lot 1 Reactive Repairs & Maintenance (up to £1m per annum)
  • Lot 2 Reactive Repairs & Maintenance (over £1m per annum)
  • Lot 3 Call Centre Service

Contracts won via this Framework

Axis was awarded a Reactive Repairs & Maintenance contract with Tower Hamlets Community Housing through Fusion 21’s Repairs & Maintenance Framework: Lot 1 Reactive Repairs & Maintenance. Our works include:

  • Repairs
  • Voids
  • Out Of Hours Service

5 Major Works (2019 – 2023)

  • Lot 2a Housing (up to and over £5m
  • Lot 1c Healthcare (up to and over £2m
  • Lot 2c Healthcare (up to and over £5m)
  • Lot 1d Public Sector Including London Ambulance (up to and over £2m)
  • Lot 2d Public Sector Including London Ambulance (up to and over £5m)