11th November 2021

Axis Take Part in the Royal British Legions Poppy Appeal

Axis Support Royal British Legions Poppy Appeal – 100 Years Since Opening

This weekend marks Remembrance Sunday when people across the UK honour those who have lost their lives in war. Millions of red poppies are sold each year in the build-up to the day to commemorate the war dead.

Through red poppies sales, the Royal British Legion has helped serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. They are the country’s largest Armed Forces charity; this year will be their centenary year having served the Armed Forces community since 1921.

The Poppy Appeal is the Royal British Legion’s biggest fundraising campaign. Last year collectors were unable to carry out face to face collections, but this year they were able to return to local communities, train stations and high streets. With fundraising events slowly returning to normality our Axis team took to the streets of Londonat various train stations across the city, raising over £3,600!

Well yesterday went fantastic it was a long day 14 hours on my feet, but I was part of a crew of three & at the end of the day with card collections & what we had in our buckets it looked like we raised just over £3,000 which is fabulous. – Paul Glover, Senior Supervisor

What a great day, please pass on my thanks to the whole family, you guys put in a phenomenal shift and genuinely provided the backbone for the days fundraising. I hopefully get to work with you all again in 2022. – The Volunteer Supervisor at Canary Wharf

Thank you for your tireless efforts – it was great to meet you both. You were true poppy-selling champions! – The Volunteer Supervisor at North Greenwich Station

William and I have completed our volunteering – 1st and 2nd shifts went very well, we collected over £300 each time and it was amazing the stories we were told by some of the people that donated. We are already looking forward to volunteering next year for the RBL. – Terri Harvey, Resident Liaison Officer