16th March 2023

National Careers Week 2023

National Careers Week is a one-week celebration of careers guidance in education across the UK. Throughout the week commencing 6th March representatives from Axis attended a range of events to help promote our apprenticeship vacancies, and help young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways. Read on to find out more!

Careers Fair, Coombe Boys School

Attended by Adrian Ruddick and John Basey, Contract Managers

“It was a very busy evening and I found it very beneficial. There were plenty of young men and young ladies who were interested in what works we carry out. The QR code directing people to our apprenticeship vacancies was scanned by many so I’m hopeful we may get some good candidates” – Adrian

Epping Forest Careers Fest, New City College

Attended by David Leonard, Apprentice Master and Vera O’Driscoll, Community Investment Coordinator

“We had a very successful turn out and were told there were around 1,200 students who attended from 5 different schools within the local area. There were many different industries there with a total of 70 employers, so gave the candidates a vast range of stalls to speak to. All of the candidates who came to our stall and spoke to us were very interested in learning about what we had to offer here at Axis and sounded like they were impressed with the benefits and our programme” – Vera

Careers Fair, Oasis Academy Isle of Sheppey

Attended by David Leonard, Apprentice Master

“Many of my younger students said Axis was something they are considering and were impressed with the prospective future training and employment that was offered” – Craig Inns, Leader of Construction and Engineering at Oasis Academy

Construction Youth Trust Live Vacancies Session, virtual via Zoom

Facilitated by Kellie Turner, Head of Community Investment and James Hedges, Apprentice Gas Engineer

In partnership with Construction Youth Trust, Kellie and James facilitated a live vacancies session to young people from local schools/colleges, pupil referral units, and those who are NEET. It was a fantastic opportunity to promote Axis, share our live vacancies and potential career paths, and answer any questions that the young people had.

“It was a pleasure to facilitate the workshop alongside James who was able to share his experiences as an Apprentice firsthand. The young people were engaged in the session and had so many questions to ask us about our vacancies. It was really refreshing” – Kellie