13th October 2017

National Inclusion Week at Axis

Our Core Values celebrated in National Inclusion Week

Treasure Hunts and Speed Networking made Meet Up Monday a good start to National Inclusion Week at Axis; sporting events (exercise Bikeathon, Five a Side football, table tennis) created new teams from all offices; a photographic walk brought Axis people together to share the love – and knowledge – of photography; Foodie Friday shared recipes and cuisines from around the world; and our Directors agreed to be shadowed for a day – opening up their offices, meetings and diaries to their colleagues.

Maria Northwood, Business Support Director, says: “The intention of participating in NIW was to bring colleagues together who might otherwise just have emailed or spoken on the phone; to break down any barriers – mostly of geography, access or communication.”

In addition, it is important to remember that, underneath all the fun of National Inclusion Week, lie two of Axis’ enduring foundation stones: our key principle Many Faces, One Axis and our Core Value  Embracing diversity will broaden our horizons.

Our principle Many Faces, One Axis acknowledges and celebrates our diversity which is fully evidenced by our 32 different ethnic backgrounds and the 23 different languages that we speak. At Axis, we ensure that every individual can thrive with these commitments firmly cast in our company manifesto.

For the important principles of fairness, respect and equal opportunity (at the heart of equality and diversity) to become part of a company’s culture, it cannot purely be an HR function. So beyond our written policies, we believe that implementing and promoting equality needs to be the responsibility of every Axis person. With this in mind, one of our eight core values that underpin Axis’ company’s culture in all its day-to-day working practices with customers, colleagues and supply chain partners is embracing diversity will broaden our horizons.

Maria adds: “I am very proud of Axis and our core values. In addition to embracing diversity, we work according to the eight protected characteristics of the Equality and Human Rights Commission which are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief and sex.

“National Inclusion Week is celebrated fully throughout all our offices at Axis. But it really represents what is going on throughout the company all year round. It is a window for us to highlight the real values that we want to be honoured every day.”

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