Riverside Housing FRA Contract
Axis has started planned FRA works as part of a recent contract in partnership with Riverside Housing. Axis has begun works as part of a recent contract with our Midlands-based client, Riverside Ho [...]
Work begins on New Peabody Trust Heritage Contract
Our Heritage division has begun work on a new £540,000 contract with our client, Peabody. The Peabody Group owns and manages more than 66,000 homes across London and the South East. They also have [...]
Through our Axis Foundation Winter Appeal Axis have managed to raise £75,000 for Demelza.
Thanks to the generosity at Axis, we raised a massive £75,000 for Demelza through our Axis Foundation Winter Appeal. The Axis team, our suppliers and subbies raised a whopping £44,139.46. The Axis Fo [...]
In partnership with Brentwood Borough, we awarded 21 different groups a total of £51,622 to invest in community investment projects.
In partnership with our client Brentwood Borough Council, Axis recently awarded 21 groups a total of £51,622. This money will be used to be pumped back into community investment projects. Each group [...]
Axis Spread Their Generosity Over the Festive Period.
Over the festive period, Axis spread their generosity by committing to various campaigns to support those in need. As we move into 2021, we are finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel. The na [...]
Axis Help Transform an Abandoned Green Space Into a Community Allotment
Axis donated £2,000 towards the transformation of a disused and derelict green space into a community allotment. Since 2017 PA Housing have been working with residents and councillors to create a com [...]
Axis Alongside Swan Attend Essex Pride Celebration for the First Time.
Essex Pride is an annual celebration of LGBT life in Essex and beyond. Since 2003 the event has been a cornerstone to showcasing Essex's successful approach to diversity and inclusion. Axis joins the [...]
Axis invest in the environment by distributing reusable face masks.
Facemasks are becoming the social norm. With this in mind Axis decided to invest in producing re-usable face masks for all operatives to use while attending jobs. We have had to get used to a lot o [...]
Axis volunteers take part in The Great British spring clean.
Axis volunteers take to the streets of Stratford to take part in the Great British Spring Clean. A yearly event that aims to keep Britain’s public areas clear of litter. Since 1954 Keep Britain Tid [...]
Riverside Housing FRA Contract
Axis has started planned FRA works as part of a recent contract in partnership with Riverside Housing. Axis has begun works as part of a recent con [...]
Work begins on New Peabody Trust Heritage Contract
Our Heritage division has begun work on a new £540,000 contract with our client, Peabody. The Peabody Group owns and manages more than 66,000 homes [...]
Through our Axis Foundation Winter Appeal Axis have managed to raise £75,000 for Demelza.
Thanks to the generosity at Axis, we raised a massive £75,000 for Demelza through our Axis Foundation Winter Appeal. The Axis team, our suppliers and [...]
In partnership with Brentwood Borough, we awarded 21 different groups a total of £51,622 to invest in community investment projects.
In partnership with our client Brentwood Borough Council, Axis recently awarded 21 groups a total of £51,622. This money will be used to be pumped ba [...]
Axis Spread Their Generosity Over the Festive Period.
Over the festive period, Axis spread their generosity by committing to various campaigns to support those in need. As we move into 2021, we are fin [...]
Axis Help Transform an Abandoned Green Space Into a Community Allotment
Axis donated £2,000 towards the transformation of a disused and derelict green space into a community allotment. Since 2017 PA Housing have been work [...]
Axis Alongside Swan Attend Essex Pride Celebration for the First Time.
Essex Pride is an annual celebration of LGBT life in Essex and beyond. Since 2003 the event has been a cornerstone to showcasing Essex's successful a [...]
Axis invest in the environment by distributing reusable face masks.
Facemasks are becoming the social norm. With this in mind Axis decided to invest in producing re-usable face masks for all operatives to use while at [...]
Axis volunteers take part in The Great British spring clean.
Axis volunteers take to the streets of Stratford to take part in the Great British Spring Clean. A yearly event that aims to keep Britain’s public ar [...]