29th March 2021

Axis volunteers take part in The Great British spring clean.

Axis volunteers take to the streets of Stratford to take part in the Great British Spring Clean. A yearly event that aims to keep Britain’s public areas clear of litter.

Since 1954 Keep Britain Tidy has run a yearly event called The Great British Spring Clean. The aim is to keep Britain’s streets, beaches and other public areas clear of litter. They hope to deal with the collected waste in the most sustainable way both to reduce the burden placed on future generations, as well as to educate on how best to deal with waste.

This year the clean-up brought in 563,163 volunteers who cleared 4,308 tonnes of rubbish from our communal spaces. To put this in perspective, enough waste to fill nearly a quarter of a million wheelie bins has been collected.

UK Litter Facts
• Cleaning up litter from the streets of the UK costs around £850 million per year.
• 48% of people admit they drop litter.
• 1.3 million pieces of litter are dropped on UK roads every weekend.

What Axis did to take part

A team of 18 Axis and Swan Employees took to the streets of Stratford. The volunteers took part in a litter picking tour of our head office’s local green spaces. Giving back to the community we now call home.

Moving through Stratford park, the canals and the Olympic park, we managed to collect 24 bin liners worth of rubbish. Once collected it was sent to our waste providers at First Mile.

Sally Roulston our Sustainability Coordinator, who organised the event said.

“It was great to get out in the sunshine and take part in the spring clean with people from both Axis and Swan. We showed them the lovely green spaces in Stratford”.

Chelsea Rivers, Office Administrator added.

It was a great collaborating with other teams to do something for our local community. There was lots of litter to collect and it was tiring but also very rewarding.

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