13th March 2023

Volunteers Join Fight Against Food Waste and Hunger

Helping The Felix Project

Two teams of Axis employees used their volunteering day to help out at The Felix Project.

The Felix Project is a London-based food redistribution charity set up in 2016. They collect fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold and deliver it to local charities and schools to provide healthy meals and help the most vulnerable in society. In 2021 alone, the charity provided food for 30,000,000 meals!

On the day, the teams of Axis volunteers helped sort through food donations and pack up parcels ready to be donated to the local community.

I really enjoyed my day with The Felix Project, the overall experience was great. I had a great induction with Ronnie – it was nice working with other Axis employees and gave us the opportunity to engage and get to know one another and support each other. It was organised very well and I was happy to have the opportunity to give back to those less fortunate- Vaniche

I was very apprehensive at first as I wasn’t sure about what my task would have been, but once I found out it was for supplying food to old people homes and schools it made me feel proud of myself. I am not too good with working in the cold, but the sorting & packing was fun. In fact, I found it quite therapeutic. I can’t wait to do something similar next year – Telka

The day I found to be quite emotional and sadly it hits home how we take things for granted and do not realise firstly how fortunate we are to be employed and have a nice home to live in and good food to eat. The team worked so hard together and it was a fantastic achievement and I hope we made a difference to the people who will receive the food we packed. Considering I never knew any of the team members 8 months ago, what a team, they were wonderful to work alongside and I’m proud to call friends – Adrian 

Did you know 4.7 million adults in the UK struggle to afford to eat every day, and 2 million children are at risk of missing the next meal? Yet our food industry generates 3 million tonnes of good, edible surplus food each year.

Volunteers included Maria Northwood, Business Support Director, Dawn Willis, Customer Service Manager, Adrian Ruddick, Contracts Manager, Mark Paton, Senior Contracts Manager, Sam Shah, Operations Manager and Jake Thomas, Quantity Surveyor, Mike Fleming, Head of Customer Service, Debbie Thomas, Facilities Coordinator, Jon Tae Bisson, Improver Electrician and Telka Chambers and Vaniche Sweeney, Resident Liaison Officers. Well done and thank you to everyone involved!

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Public Sector