22nd June 2021

Axis Attend St Mary’s Careers Fair

The past year has been difficult for everyone, and education has been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. Staggering figures show 1.53 billion learners where out of school and 184 countrywide school closures.

For year 11 students this time of the year is especially important as they sit exams and make key decisions about their future. At Axis, we have always supported young people through our Work Inspiration Programme, helping them get career-ready and into employment. After 18 months of virtual events, Axis were delighted to be invited to attend a Career’s Fair at St Mary’s Catholic High School in Croydon.

On Wednesday 9th June Sadie Hack, Resident Liaison Officer and Christian Iannello-Tovar, Internal Communications Assistant represented Axis at the event. The careers fair was aimed at their Year 11 students of St Marys Catholic High School.

Throughout the day, the team spoke to the students sharing their own personal experiences of working at Axis and the different roles that we have available. Sadie commented,

The carrers fair was very productive, and we had quite a bit of interest. Students asked many questions which was great. It was refreshing to see so many of the students who were already certain on what they wanted their career path to be. Most studends didnt know the range of jobs that are offered at Axis, as a result of the carres fair they left with the vital information to apply”.

Christian added, The event was a success! We spoke to many students who had never heard of Axis and who had limited knowledge about the different types of jobs we offer in our specific industry. It was eye-opening for them and a good experience for me having not attended a recruitment fair since last year. Having a positive impact on the lives of the students was rewarding!”

To read more about Axis’ Work Inspiration Programme, click here. To view the latest news from Axis Europe Click here.

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