5th March 2019

Axis resecures contract with Optivo

Axis Re-secures Contract with Optivo

Since 2008, Axis in Sittingbourne has delivered a very high standard of service in Kent to Optivo Housing Association residents. We have achieved nearly 100% customer satisfaction and virtually zero complaints. Our ten-year contract came to an end on 29 March 2019: we re-secured it through a thorough tender process, starting our new contract on 1 April.

We won this tender because Optivo has found us to be ‘adaptable, quick to respond and willing to embrace change’. On top of impressive KPIs, our ‘commitment to Corporate and Social Responsibility and apprenticeships is second to none,’ says Neil Sargent, Maintenance Manager at Optivo.

This new 10-year contract is valued at £3.5m. The works include general responsive repairs, void repairs (including refurbishment works), electrical services and safety checks across 7,000 properties in Kent.

The re-securing of this contract for a further 10 years is a tribute to the team at Sittingbourne. I think it is fair to say that it is the best performing contract of any of the G15 group of large London and South East based Housing associations – John Hayes, Axis CEO

Optivo is formed of AmicusHorizon & Viridian who joined to form a housing association with 44,000 homes in London, SE England and the Midlands.

Find out more about our housing sector project, here.