10th December 2020

Axis Secures Position on A2 Dominion framework

Axis secures position on A2 Dominion’s Refurbishment Framework.

We are delighted to have been awarded Lot 2 (Design and Build/Novation Projects) with works across A2 Dominion’s 35,000 properties. The value of Lot 2 is £20m pa approx. and the duration is four years. A2 Dominion’s framework provides our client with a direct route to undertake Call Off Contracts, whether via Direct Award or Mini Competition. 

Each individual Call Off Contract could consist of: Cladding, Fire Doors, Fire Stopping, Fire Detection and Emergency, Sprinklers and Suppression, Decorations, Building Works and Access – all perfectly matched to our skills and experience. These are evidenced in our Case Studies including Gosport and other Cladding Works.  

Cyclical Redecoration, Windows & Doors and Roof Replacement Works

In 2021, Axis was also successful in submitting mini-tenders for the Call-off contract Year 5 & 6 Cyclical Redecoration, Windows & Doors and Roof Replacement Works for A2Dominion Housing Group Ltd Ltd. This two-year extension  (Lot 1 – London and Lot 2 – Staines)  is valued at £4m approximately and starts in April 2021.

During Year 5 and Year 6 we are anticipated to conduct over 4,000 cyclical redecorations, 400 window replacements and 450 door replacements, indicative figures, for A2 Dominion’s Housing stock in London and Staines.

Cyclical Redecoration Works and associated Planned Works

In 2019, Axis signed off a new contract through A2 Dominion, this time an extension. The works comprise Cyclical Redecoration Works and associated Planned Works for their housing stock across London. The range of services includes window replacements, the installation of door entry systems and environmental improvements to residential blocks, properties and communal areas. The value of the extended contract is £2 million over a period of two years. 

 Find out about more of our Housing Sector projects, here.