Welcome to the Operation and Maintenance Page for Axis Europe. This page holds all of the necessary operations and maintenance documentation and resources. It also contains a rundown of operations personnel and helpful contacts, alongside their contact details.

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Project Team

Alan Noble

M&E Director

Michael Martino

Contract Manager

O&M Documentation

Boilers – Worcester GB162

Cascade Unit Installation

Installation and Servicing

Operating Manual

Booster Set – QuadraTANK (VG) with EC Water Conditioner

Operation and Maintenance

Buffer Vessel – McDonald Water Storage

User Manual


Dirt Separators – FLAMCO CLEAN SMART

Data Sheet

Pressurisation Units

Armstrong Installation and Operating

Boss Data Sheet


Albion PN16 Cast Iron Y Strainer

2 Port SLP Series Solenoid Valve

Albion 37 Brass Double Check Valve

Albion 83 Cast Iron Y Strainer

Albion 89 Brass Ball Valve

Albion 135 Butterfly Valve

Albion 345 Bronze Ball Valve

Albion ART-255 DRV

Albion 135 Butterfly Valve

Altecnic PRESCAL 535 Pressure Reducing Valve

Coster GCA880 Gas Solenoid

Honeywell BA295S Backflow Preventer

Inta Wonder Valve Flow Limiting Isolation Valve

Reliance Easifit TMV