25th January 2022
Axis awarded places on Procurement for Housing Frameworks
Axis wins places on Procurement for Housing (PfH) Frameworks
Fire Safety Works Framework 2024–2028
Lot 7: Whole Building Works
- England – South East (including London)
- National (Regions 2–5)
Scope includes: Design, installation, testing, commissioning / handover and servicing and maintenance of a range of active and passive fire protection measures
Planned Works (2024-2028)
We are awarded Lots 5, 7 and 8 Windows and Doors; Lot 10 Kitchens and Bathrooms; Lots 14 and 15 Roofing Works; Lot 18 Whole House Works; Lot 19 Surrounding Works.
Asset Decarbonisation & Retrofit Solution DPS
PfH’s Asset Decarbonisation & Retrofit Solution DPS helps its 900 social landlords deliver energy efficiency upgrades. The 5-year framework of nine service-specific lots covers work pipelines from £50m to £350m. Axis was awarded the following Lots:
- 1a Solar PV
- 2 Air Source Heat Pumps
- 4 Insulation
- 5 Charging Points
- 8 Retrofit Works
New contract with Eastlight Community Homes
Via PfH (Asset Decarbonisation & Retrofit Solution DPS/ Lot 8 retrofit works) Axis’ M&E Division won a new Renewables contract with Eastlight Community Homes.
Compliance Solutions Framework
We were also appointed onto on PfH’s Compliance Solutions Framework for work in the Midlands, London, Home Counties and the South East on the following Lots:
- 2a Mould Treatment and Associated Services
- 2b Damp Treatment and Associated Services
- 2d Fully Managed Damp and Mould Solution
- 3a Electrical Testing and Associated Works
- 3b Electrical Security and Associated Works
- 3c Fully Managed Electrical Compliance Solutions
Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services Framework
Following a successful tender submission, and ranking first in the Inner London and East and West Midlands Lots, Axis was awarded a place on PfH’s Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services Framework in June 2023. The framework has been split into five (5) lots:
- Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services
- Void Property Refurbishment
- Responsive Repairs
- Void Property Cleaning and Clearing Services
- Void Property Services.
Axis was appointed to Lots 1, 2 and 3.
New contract with Citizen
Via Procurement for Housing’s Responsive Repairs and Void Property Services Framework, Axis’ Midlands Division won a Responsive Repairs, Voids and Associated Works contract with housing provider Citizen – a new partnership. Read more here
Heating Solutions Framework
Additionally, PfH awarded us a place on their Heating Solutions Framework . We won: Lot 1 North West, East Midlands, West Midlands, London & Home Counties, South East; Lot 2 North West, East Midlands, West Midlands, London & Home Counties, South East; Lot 3 North West, East Midlands, West Midlands, London & Home Counties; South East.
Responsive Repairs & Void Works DPS
General repairs, plumbing, heating and specialist works
Capital Works DPS
Includes windows and doors, roof works, DDA, whole house, heating and insulation and electrical.
Kitchens & Bathrooms Framework
We were previously awarded a place on PfH’s Kitchens & Bathrooms Framework 2018-2021+1, appointed to the following Lots
- Lot 2.1 Kitchens Supply & Install – Refurbishment & Replacement
- Lot 2.2 Kitchens Supply & Install – New Build
- Lot 4.1 Bathrooms Supply & Install – Refurbishment & Replacement
- Lot 4.2 Bathrooms Supply and Install – New Build
- Lot 5 Kitchens & Bathrooms – Maintenance & Installation
Axis’ Business Development Manager, Joseph Hayes, commented: It’s fantastic we have been accepted onto this Framework. Having delivered a similar offering to numerous frameworks and contracts previously, we are looking forward to adding the same value and care for members of the PfH.”
Find out more about our housing sector projects here.
“It’s fantastic we have been accepted onto this framework. Having delivered a similar offering to numerous frameworks and contracts previously, we are looking forward to adding the same value and care for members of the PfH” – Joe Hayes, Business Development Manager